A former General Nurse with 31 years’ experience of working in all areas of health care, Claire attended Pilates classes for 5 years, with the aim to recover successfully after surgery.
She chose to train as a Pilates Instructor after experiencing a rapid and consistent recovery through regular practise. Being able to move freely and without pain, with ease and confidence changed her life. This very welcome transformation inspired her to share her knowledge with others.
Attracted to a more functional & natural approach to movement, Claire has gone on to complete Levels 1, 2 and 3 of the JEMS Health, Fitness and Wellbeing training pathway, and Movement EASE course 1 – with Joanne Elphinston and Kent Fyrth. Visit jemsmovement.com to learn more!
Yoga is in Claire’s heart – it has become a constant companion, bringing much richness and value. Claire’s practice is rooted in an approach which combines softness with steadiness. In Sanskrit this is embodied in the words “Sthira” – steadiness and alertness, and “Sukha” – lightness and comfort. By bringing alert attention to a practice and to the breath with a benevolent attitude toward ourselves, we allow for step-by-step progression and the process to peacefully unfold.