Learning from the best

I have just returned from London, where I attended a two day course, delivered by the inspiring Joanne Elphinston, creator of  JEMS: – (Joanne Elphinston Movement Systems.)

Joanne Elphinston is an internationally renowned movement specialist.

I was inspired to attend her course: “Functional Foundations for Fitness and Wellbeing Professionals”, after her book was recommended to me by her husband and fellow JEMS practitioner, Kent Fyrth.  I have been attending Kent’s Pilates classes for my own conditioning and needed to experience the ‘JEMS effect’ for myself.

Joanne has a generous spirit and a passion for educating others.  A true professional, she works hard to ensure understanding through clear and current information, practical sessions and group discussion.  She, herself moves beautifully as she instructs others: directing, informing, facilitating.  When she corrects, her touch is authoritative –  therein is a demonstration of her deep understanding of the intricate way in which our bodies move: that interplay or “dance” between gravity and muscle forces…

For more information about Joanne Elphinston, see:
